Anti-Aging Benefits You Can Get From CBD

While some might accept the idea of aging gracefully, most people want to hold on to their youth. They want to hold on to the taut skin on their face and neck, and the glow on their cheeks. Unfortunately, the ravages of time start showing on our skin as quickly as in the early 30s, and it is just a matter of time till the laugh lines and the crow’s feet start getting deeper.
There are many products available in the market today that help reverse the signs of aging. While most of them are indeed effective, they are mostly formulated using chemicals and preservatives. Also, the effects of these anti-aging cosmetics and skincare products do not fetch the same results for everyone.
This is because these products work only at the skin level, and some of the more effective ones reach the partial subdermal layers to allow long-term results. So, while these products do reverse the signs of aging, they do so for a relatively shorter period of time.
For lasting, anti-aging benefits, you will need to find something natural that will not only nourish your skin but your body, as well. After all, a healthy body leads to healthy hair, skin, eyes, et al.
In your search for such products, you will chance upon CBD. This wonder product has stood the test of time when it comes to proving its effectiveness. Often misunderstood by many for its close association with marijuana, a little study about its source plant, its origins, and the miraculous ways in which it works with the human body will give you an insight into the usefulness of the compound.
What is CBD?
CBD is the short form of cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is one of 113 plant compounds, also known as cannabinoids that are found in the Cannabis sativa plant. The two most popular plants found under this particular category are hemp and marijuana. Both contain CBD.
However, contrary to popular belief, CBD does not contain psychoactive or hallucinatory properties. This means consuming CBD in any form does not lead to a buzz or a high. The compound that causes high is called delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Marijuana plants contain higher levels of THC as compared to hemp plants. A such, CBD extracted from marijuana plants may contain more traces of THC than the ones extracted from hemp.
A study conducted in 2019 showed that CBD falls into a category called negative allosteric modulator, which in simple terms means that it reduces the potency of THC. Therefore, even if a product does contain trace amounts of THC, there’s a high chance that the CBD in it will negate its psychoactive effects anyways.
After lifting the ban, the federal government allowed the use of CBD in various forms such as tinctures, salves, tablets, capsules, gummies, and topical gels and lotions. However, it laid a cap on CBD products with a THC content of only up to 3% to be legalized and sold by government-licensed CBD producers.
Ever since the legalization of CBD, the U.S. market saw a surge in CBD products in all forms and to treat a wide range of health issues. CBD is also found in various pain and discomfort relief products, such as pain relief cream, pain relief roll-on, and pain relief spray.
How does CBD work?
CBD works closely with the human body. CBD from plants, also known as phytocannabinoids, resemble the CBD produced internally within human bodies (endocannabinoids), and works much like the latter.
During the 1980s, government-funded studies on CBD and its effects on human bodies found that the phytocannabinoids resembled a similar compound that existed in the bodies of participants, who had not ingested CBD ever. In their efforts to learn further about how the compound ended up in their body without them consuming it, scientists stumbled upon a whole new system that they were completely unaware of; the endocannabinoid system (ECS).
The endocannabinoid system performed a crucial task in the human body by keeping it in balance, also referred to as homeostasis. Whenever the body is off-balance due to some sort of stress or illness, the endocannabinoid system gets to work to get it back in order.
The ECS comprises receptors CB1 and CB2 that are located all over the body’s neural and peripheral systems. Whenever the body is off-balance, the ECS produces endocannabinoids that interact with the receptors to elicit a response. The response comes in the form of a hormone that is secreted by glands to counter the ill effects of stress, pain, or illness.
ECS works continuously to maintain the body in homeostasis by regulating sleep, mood, temperature, appetite, memory, fertility, the perception of pain or pleasure, and immunity.
Why does the body need more CBD when the body itself is capable of producing the wonder compound?
The body is capable of producing endocannabinoids to a certain extent. However, when the illness or the stressors become chronic, the ECS reaches its optimum capacity to produce endocannabinoids and use them to elicit responses from the receptors. This is where external CBD comes into play. CBD ingested in any of its forms or even applied topically, can stir action in the ECS and boost its performance by supplying an increased amount of endocannabinoids into the system. This helps the body take action to heal the added stressor or illness.
Therefore, CBD does not only work with ECS, but also helps boost it when it is running low on endocannabinoids. Since the compound is similar to the one which is already found in human bodies, there are little to no side effects of ingesting or applying CBD on your body. It is as natural as they come.
Let us look at some of the causes of visible aging and how they can be reversed using CBD.
What are the causes of visible aging?
Both internal and external factors cause aging. The frequency of exposure to the latter increases the appearance of signs of aging, while the internal factors start setting in as early as 20 years of age.
Internal factors of aging
The internal factors of aging, at the skin level, include natural biological processes marked by the loss of collagen and elastin in our skin and the oil-producing glands producing lesser oil as the years pass by.
Collagen is a structural protein that keeps our skins taut and firm. As a person ages, their bodies produce lesser amounts of collagen that leads to the skin becoming thinner and more delicate.
Elastin is also a key protein located in the extracellular cell matrix, which renders elasticity to our skin. As people age, they lose elasticity in their skin, which results in the skin sagging, an effect that is compounded due to gravity.
Oil-glands cover the entirety of the human skin, the largest organ in the human body. These glands secrete oil that makes the skin glow and look youthful. They also trap moisture in the body and keeps the skin looking hydrated and healthy. However, in the natural process of aging, these glands produce lesser oil, which leads the skin to lose its moisture and over time become drier. Aging becomes more noticeable in dry skin.
Deeper down, below the skin, some more biological changes occur that add to the signs of aging, such as:
- Bone loss on the face becomes more prominent post 50, resulting in slack skin.
- Loss of fat under the skin in chin, nose, cheeks, around the eyes, and temples. This gives the face the distinct skeletal appearance that you might see in the elderly.
- Loss in cartilage around the nose leads to characteristic droop at the nose tip.
External factors of aging
Apart from the internal biological signs of aging, there are external factors that lead to aging, as well. These include:
- UV rays that break down the elastin in the skin;
- Gravity which causes drooping eyelids and eyebrows, lengthening of earlobes;
- Obesity which makes the skin, hair, and nails lose their luster by stretching the skin;
- Daily facial movements leading to the appearance of lines on the face post 30s
- Smoking, as it interferes with the natural blood flow to the skin
CBD’s anti-aging benefits
CBD plays an active role in reversing the signs of aging by slowing down the loss of collagen and also aiding the sebaceous glands secrete oil, thus maintaining glowing skin.
Research has shown that CBD acts as a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are known to fight free radicals in the body that cause aging and cell degeneration. Free radicals lead to the collagen tissues in the skin break down faster by countering free radicals in the body. The antioxidant properties of CBD help slow collagen loss down significantly and help the skin retain its natural taut and firmness.
Also, since endocannabinoids play a role in ensuring hormonal balance by sending messages to the receptors to signal glands to produce hormones, it is somewhat responsible for ensuring that the sebaceous gland secretes oil as well. Therefore, applying CBD or ingesting it can help boost the sebaceous glands in the skin, which might be losing its glow and luster.
In this way, CBD can play a crucial role in hindering two of the most crucial, internal biological functions that lead to aging and help you retain your younger, smooth skin for a longer period.
How to use CBD to ensure anti-aging?
CBD has been an established anti-aging compound that can be taken both orally and applied directly to areas showing signs of aging. However, for CBD to work at its best, it is recommended to actively stay away and protect oneself from the external influences that cause aging. For example, smoking increases the number of free radicals in the body, which is one of the major causes that leads to the early onset of signs of aging.
Exposure to the sun for long durations also leads to signs of aging due to exposure to UV rays. Using sun protectors with high SPF values along with sunglasses and umbrellas/hats can help protect the face and neck regions from the harsh rays and reduce the occurrence of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.
Drinking at least eight glasses of water is recommended to ensure that the body is hydrated. Water boosts the production of both elastin and collagen.
Therefore, observing the abovementioned steps and including CBD in your daily skincare ritual can help reduce the signs of aging. Topical CBD creams, particularly ones with high dosage, can be applied to the affected areas, as well. CBD creams are particularly useful in reducing signs of wrinkles and fine lines.
There is a wide range of CBD cosmetic products available in the market, including:
- Facial Serum
- Face Cream
- Anti-Aging Facial Serum
- Glow Oil
- Sleeping Mask
- Eye Serum
- Body Oil
- Recovery Lotion
- Facial Cream
Make sure you check the product information that states how much CBD and THC the particular product contains. It is also recommended that you consult a certified CBD coach or your medical practitioner to find out what kind of dose is best suited for your particular need.
Also, research a bit before buying CBD products. There are five factors that you should look at in particular:
- Potency – Concentration of CBD and THC in the product.
- Quality – The product should be sourced from a government-licensed hemp producer
- Source – If the CBD content in the cosmetic product is an isolate, full-spectrum, or broad-spectrum.
- Ingredients – Ideally, the product should be sans preservatives.
- Price – Usually, CBD products range from $30-$60, if you are paying anything above $100, you should make sure the product packs in as much value as well.
CBD Must and CBD Plus products are known to be highly effective in delivering the desired effects.
If you are looking for new and wholesome ways to boost your skin’s firmness and return the original glow to your face, without resorting to chemical treatments and side effects, then CBD can surely be an option that you could rely on.
Its antioxidant properties and ability to work closely with the ECS to ensure your bodily systems are balanced helps keep you fit and beautiful inside out. Studies have shown that CBD indeed is a potent compound that can help reverse signs of aging. However, the fact that plant proteins and phytonutrients have been used since time immemorial to boost skin and health stands witness to the fact that plants and their compounds indeed can be a powerful ingredient in helping retain youth and skin health.
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