Will CBD Topicals Be A Good Choice For Treating Abrasion Wounds?

CBD topicals are increasingly becoming popular in treating a wide variety of medical issues. Pain relief sprays, pain relief roll-ons, facial serums, CBD body oils, face oils, pain relief creams, pain relief oils, anti-acne creams, glow oils, and eye serums are some of the most widely used CBD topicals.
They help with relieving pain and inflammation in the joints in conditions such as arthritis and temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ). They also help bring glow and health to the skin by taking care of free radicals. Another very important and common medical issue that CBD topicals can help with are abrasion wounds.
What are the symptoms of abrasion wounds? How can one recover from abrasion wounds, especially bigger ones? What are some precautions that one might need to take care of? And, how do CBD topicals fit into the recovery plan of abrasion wounds? Let’s have a close and detailed look into the same.
What are abrasion wounds?
Abrasion wounds are possibly the most common physical injuries people can suffer. When your skin rubs against a rough surface, an open wound develops on the problem area. Some of the most common body parts that get abrasion wounds are the ankles, toes, fingers, upper extremities, knees, elbows, and shins.
Usually, abrasion wounds aren’t very painful since they do not affect deeper layers of the skin. However, they can be irritating to touch and might cause some mild discomfort. There might be some cases in which the impact is too much and can result in bleeding and extreme pain. There are essentially three different degrees of abrasion wounds.
First-degree abrasion wounds
These types of abrasion wounds are usually very superficial wounds and only affect the top-most epidermal layers. First-degree abrasion wounds do not bleed and are only mildly painful. These are the most common abrasion wounds that affect people.
Second-degree abrasion wounds
Second-degree abrasion wounds go a little bit more deeper than first-degree abrasion wounds and affect the second layers of the skin. These types of wounds are also mildly painful however, they do sometimes bleed.
Third-degree abrasion wounds
These types of abrasion wounds are the most severe. Third-degree abrasion wounds affect the deepest layers of the skin and can be extremely painful. These wounds also have the highest chances of getting infected and thus need immediate medical attention.
Treating abrasion wounds
Abrasion wounds are fairly common and can happen to anyone. A toddler falling down while playing can get an abrasion wound on their arm or knees very easily. Even adults can get abrasion wounds from accidentally rubbing against a rough surface. Mostly, these abrasion wounds are referred to as a graze or a scrape.
They are very easily treated with over-the-counter creams and ointments and do not require any invasive medical treatments. However, that is not always the case. Plus, if an abrasion wound is left unattended, it can get infected or even turn gangrene. In light of these potential risks, it becomes very important to treat abrasion wounds immediately.
CBD topicals have shown considerable potential in treating abrasion wounds. Owing to their antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant properties, they can offer numerous dermatological benefits. Before identifying why CBD topicals like CBD body oils, facial serums, and face oils are beneficial in treating abrasion wounds, we must learn what complications can arise that can be easily dealt with CBD.
Complications associated with abrasion wounds
Most abrasion wounds do not require anything more than a cleaning up and dressings. On the other hand, some do require antibiotic ointments or creams. These can be easily found in any pharmacy store. However, certain complications might arise that could require you to get medical attention as soon as possible. These complications include:
- Extremely painful, irritated, red, and inflamed skin
- Foul smelling pus oozing from the abrasion wound
- Yellow or green colored pus oozing from the abrasion wound
- One might develop a fever that lasts for several hours
- Abrasion wounds that won’t heal for several days
Whether you are looking to treat a first-degree abrasion wound or one that has developed a bacterial infection, CBD topicals have shown high potential in this regard. They are easy to apply, show effects rapidly, and do not have any side effects. In fact, recent research and development has shown that CBD topicals might be more effective than any other over-the-counter creams or ointments to treat abrasion wounds.
CBD topicals as analgesic agents
Abrasion wounds, even though not very painful, can cause the person pain depending on the degree of the wound. Using CBD topicals such as pain relief sprays, pain relief roll-ons, CBD body oils, facial serums, face oils, pain relief creams, or pain relief oils can help one manage any pain that they feel.
A 2008 study published in the Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management journal proved that CBD topicals are very powerful in managing pain that is difficult to tolerate. The cannabinoids in the CBD topicals interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, attach to the CB1 and CB2 receptors, and help manage any pain and inflammation that the person might be feeling.
These CBD topicals are very easy to use. In case of CBD body oils, facial serums, face oils, pain relief creams, or pain relief oils, one only needs to apply them directly on the problem area. Ensure that you wash your hands properly before touching the abrasion wound to apply the medication. In case of pain relief sprays, one can simply spray the medication over the problem area from a distance. On the other hand, pain relief roll-ons can be applied over the abrasion wound with the use of the applicator.
CBD topicals as anti-inflammatory agents
Abrasion wounds often lead to the skin becoming incredibly inflamed and red. The surrounding area next to the abrasion wound becomes very irritating and can even compel the patient to itch profusely. Doing so, especially with dirty fingers and nails, can lead to the abrasion wound developing an infection or begin to bleed. To prevent this from happening, it is a smart idea to try CBD topicals.
Owing to their powerful anti-inflammatory property, CBD topicals such as pain relief sprays, CBD body oils, pain relief roll-ons, face oils, facial serums, pain relief creams, pain relief oils can help you bring down the inflammation around the abrasion wound.
A study published in the Molecules journal found that CBD topicals were highly effective in helping bring down inflammation and prevent the patient from feeling the need to itch the skin. This helps prevent any redness and irritation that might have taken shape due to the wound. Usually, CBD topicals are applied twice a day on the affected area to bring about these effects.
CBD topicals for wound healing
Abrasion wounds usually heal very quickly. A scab-like clot develops over the abrasion in the matter of a few hours which when sloughs of over the next few weeks. However, in the case that the abrasion wound is deep, one might need to speeden up the process of wound healing. This is where CBD topicals might come in very handy. Over-the-counter ointments and creams might help manage first-degree abrasion wounds but severe ones will need something a little more potent.
A 2017 study published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management proved that CBD topicals are very effective in healing wounds. In fact, if they are used in the correct dosage under the consultation of a doctor, CBD topicals can speeden up the wound healing process as well. When wounds heal faster, one doesn’t have to worry about the wound getting infected.
Plus, faster wound healing might be very beneficial in case that the abrasion wound hasn’t healed in the course of a few days. Ensure that you consult your doctor before starting any such medications. We highly recommend following their exact prescriptions and not to self medicate.
CBD topicals as antimicrobial agents
One of the biggest concerns with abrasion wounds, especially third-degree abrasion wounds, is the possibility of a bacterial infection. If the surface one rubbed against was infected, it increases the chances of the person developing a bacterial infection in the wound. One might also develop a bacterial infection if any foreign agent comes in contact with the abrasion wounds.
Since these wounds are open and take a little time for the scab to form, it is crucial to try and prevent any bacterial infection from taking shape. CBD topicals such as CBD body oils, facial serums, and face oils can help with the same.
The cannabinoids in CBD topicals carry strong antibacterial properties. A recent 2020 study published in the Nature journal proved that cannabidiol is superbly effective in killing gram-positive bacteria usually found in open wounds. If you find your abrasion wound oozing any pus or smelling foul, consider trying a CBd-based product to treat the issue.
Thus, using CBD topicals such as pain relief creams, pain relief oils can not only help a person manage the pain and speed up wound healing but also in preventing a bacterial infection from taking shape.
Why are CBD topicals preferred so popularly?
Clearly, CBD topicals carry powerful healing properties. They can help avoid bacterial infections, relieve pain, and even speed up the wound healing process. Apart from these, they are even more reasons to prefer CBD topicals over other ointments and creams that are usually used to treat abrasion wounds. Some of these reasons include:
- CBD topicals are non-invasive. You need not consume any oral medications to treat the abrasion wounds well. One can simply use a 100% topical treatment to keep all side effects and complications of abrasion wounds at bay.
- CBD topicals begin to show effects in under ten to fifteen minutes. The patient will begin to feel less pain very quickly. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory properties of the CBD topicals also help bring down any inflammation or redness that might happen in the problem area.
- CBD topicals can be self-administered. You do not need a professional healthcare worker to assist you with the application. All you need to do is use clean hands when applying the CBD topical over the abrasion wound.
- CBD topicals are available in numerous forms. If a patient doesn’t find it comfortable to apply CBD body oils, face oils, pain relief roll-ons, facial serums, pain relief creams, pain relief oils by coming in direct contact with the affected area, they can opt for pain relief sprays instead.
- CBD topicals do not have any side effects. Since the concentration of CBD in them is just enough to treat the abrasion wound perfectly, there are no chances of an overdose. Moreover, they are also suitable for all age groups.
- CBD topicals can also help with scarring. Some abrasion wounds, after healing, can leave a nasty scar behind. Owing to CBD’s antioxidant properties, they can prevent hyperpigmentation and keep the affected area healthy and scar-free.
If you get an abrasion wound that’s bleeding or hasn’t healed in a few days, visit your doctor and ask them about using CBD topicals such as pain relief roll-ons, pain relief sprays, pain relief oils, CBD body oils, face oils, facial serums, pain relief creams. Follow your doctor’s advice carefully and do not touch the abrasion wound with dirty hands in any case.
Apart from prescribing you CBD topicals for pain management and faster wound healing, your doctor might also recommend bandaging up the affected area to prevent any bacterial or fungal infection. However, this is usually recommended in second or third-degree abrasion wounds.
CBD-based products, especially CBD topicals have heavily transformed the healthcare industry. They are revolutionizing the way medical care is provided to patients. They are also making waves in the treatment of numerous serious and chronic conditions such as several types of cancer, epilepsy, dementia, temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ), inflammatory skin conditions, and more.
When it comes to simpler medical issues such as abrasion wounds, CBD topicals are proving to offer added benefits as well. Clearly, they are a powerhouse of health goodness and deserve wider attention and reception.
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